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Our Sisterhood

At Alpha Phi, we believe the bonds of sisterhood are something that can never be broken. As a sister of Alpha Phi, you are a member of an international group of sisters that become your “forever” friends and family. Alpha Phi is a group of women with each member contributing her own unique perspective and personality. We constantly learn from one another and encourage each other to grow. Each semester, in order to celebrate and strengthen the ties as sisters, Alpha Phis participate in a series of fun and exciting events such as sisterhood retreats, social events, formals, and so much more.

Big & Little

Every week during each member's first month in Alpha Phi, they are paired with other members. Throughout these weeks, the new members spend time with their "Ivy Linkers" and get to know them better. Then, each new member is placed into a “Phi Family" which includes a Big sister and Little sister. The Phi Families then spend a whole week secretly showering their “Littles” with presents: homemade room decorations, candy, and much more. At the end of the week, Big-Little reveal takes place and we celebrate the new Phi families.



Alpha Phis have socials and date parties that involve themes and tons of fun. There’s no doubt you’ll have an awesome time dressing up for a themed social event, dancing to your favorite tunes and mingling with your friends.

Alpha Phi formals are also the most exciting time of the year! Alpha Phis gather for formal events that involve fantastic food, great laughs, and are a memorable night out on the town to show off the classy and beautiful Alpha Phis. It’s a great way to spend quality time with your sisters!

Welcome to the Ivy League!

© 2018 by Alpha Phi International


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